Taylor Pittman
Hello everyone! If you want to see information about my background in dance and education, please see my bio on our "FCDC Instructors" page. The sole purpose of this page is to let you know my "why." Why do I love dance? Why am I here? Why should you enroll your kids at my studio?
My Why...
From this...
Why do I love dance?
Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE dance. I sleep, breathe, and live dance. But why? Dance is so. much. more. than a recreational activity. Dance is a sport that requires strength, flexibility, and control, and it is an art that allows performers to express, feel, and move. Dance teaches SO many valuable lessons that last a lifetime. It instills values like commitment, dedication, team work, goal setting, relationship-building, and how to graciously take constructive criticism. I owe everything I have accomplished to growing up as a dancer. My experiences as a dancer have molded who I am. I wrote about my experiences in college entrance essays, scholarship applications, internship interviews, and job applications; every single time the other party was impressed by what they read. Without dance, I would not be where I am today.
Why am I here?
I am here to change the lives of San Marcos youth. Dance instructors (all educators really) play a massive role in the development of young minds. I am here to provide a safe space where your child(ren) can be themselves and can grow as a person and artist.
I understand that running this business means lots of hours, emails, meetings, and planning. I know that no one knows everything, and I will need help along the way. However, I also know any relationship, whether business or personal, requires communication, transparency, and trust. That is exactly what you will get from me. Have a question? Call or email me. Wondering why I chose to do something a certain way? Just ask. Curious about what your dancer can do to improve? I'm happy to help!
To this...
To this!!!
Why should you enroll your children at my studio?
My ultimate goal is to inspire and motivate each of my dancers to set goals and reach them! (dance-related or not) Every student should know they ARE capable, and their goals ARE attainable- no matter how big or how small. Every single dancer who comes through FCDC should learn how to have confidence and believe in themselves. More than anything else, my dancers will have a place to go where everyone is on their team. A place where they can have fun, be challenged, and held accountable. A place full of love for dance. A dance family.